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Amber Gunst

Amber Gunst Profile Photo

CEO, Austin Technology Council

Austin Technology Council (ATC) is one of the most prominent tech communities in Austin, the fastest growing city in the US.

It’s been in operation in Austin since 1992, and plays a huge part in developing connections between CEOs, Executive, and Founders in the Austin technology and entrepreneurship community.

Amber moved to Austin in 2009, and since then she’s been involved the in business and tech ecosystem of the city, through organizations such as Austin Chamber of Commerce and Founder’s Institute.

Feb. 17, 2022

How Business Communities Shape Ecosystems | Amber Gunst, CEO Austin T…

Today on the show, I’m talking to the CEO of Austin Technology Council, Amber Gunst. Austin Technology Council (ATC) is one of the most prominent tech communities in Austin, the fastest growing city in the US. It’s been in op...

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