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Sarah Snyder

Sarah Snyder Profile Photo

Director Of Marketing And Public Relations

founder and CEO of Connection Enthusiast, a strategic public relations firm.

Media placements for her clients have included numerous local and national media outlets, including Forbes, Huffington Post, Cheddar TV, Dr. Oz, and so on.

2 of the unique things about Sarah are
She focuses on the front-end of PR. What’s the posting of the client? What’s the goal? What’s their personality?
Sarah is a licensed professional counselor and has helped develop a nationally recognized 25+ million dollar pilot program involving emergency crisis response teams and managed residential treatment programs for trauma survivors. These traits help drive her creativity and unique style, as does her sense of humor under pressure

April 29, 2022

Behind the Scenes of Authentic PR | Sarah Snyder

Let’s talk about PR. I’ve talked to a lot of CEOs in the last few months, and two things come up fairly regularly; B2B Marketing and PR are not fully understood, i.e, CEOs are familiar with the activities that go …

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